30 - Denmark House

Denmark House for many years was the home of The Danish Bacon Company which moved to Welwyn Garden City in 1938 during “The Crisis” (when German troops moved against Czechoslovakia) transferring many of its head office staff to a sectional factory in Broadwater Road.

The company had already considered making the move months before, but the crisis hastened it.

The bust above the entrance in Parkway is of Louis de Soissons, architect and town planner, he was born in Canada, studied in Paris and Rome and chose the Neo-Georgian style of architecture that you see throughout the town.

The bust sits above what was for many years the main entrance to The Danish Bacon Company offices.

You have now reached the last stop on the Welwyn Garden Heritage Trust Town Trail. If you completed the whole trail we hope you have enjoyed finding out more about the town's heritage. If you wish to find out more about Welwyn Garden City heritage please visit www.welwyngarden-heritage.org.

However, if you missed some of the earlier stops or want to repeat the trail, then follow the map below to get to the start (find the QR code or click here to find the first location details).